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Commissions (Currently CLOSED)


All commission and price inquiries should be sent through this site to my email,

I am flexible with themes and poses. Prices are less flexible for small, single-page commissioned illustrations.

After discussing the order with the client and agreeing upon a price, I will send the client an invoice on Paypal, Accepting the invoice is an agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the invoice. I require a minimum of half the payment up front.


As part of the commission, I will work with clients and show them every step of the process, and at each stage they have the opportunity to mention and correct mistakes or ask for needed changes. Don't be afraid to ask for as many changes as you need for the piece to be what you want in the earlier stages, because after the linework is completed, additional changes cost extra, and any changes requested after completion that require major modifications to the linework, coloring or shading will cost a substantial extra fee. Any outstanding payments must be completed before the final piece is delivered un-watermarked and in high resolution.

I work on commissions on a first-come first-serve basis. I also work in batches, so several commissions of the same level of complexity will have their sketches completed, and then linework completed, at the same time as the others. The coloring stage takes more time and as a result I go directly from coloring to shading and detailing, which is where the first-come first-serve is most prevalent. The time needed depends a lot on how complex the picture is. Wait times can vary between a few weeks to three months depending solely on complexity, and I will give you my best estimate and keep in touch regularly with updates. I will be up front with you about wait times and when I am available to work on it, and how soon I plan on getting it done. Do not hound me hourly for updates. I am in the office Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday 10:00am-5:00pm, Friday 5:00pm-9:00pm, and Monday 7:00pm-10:00pm, and respond to all work emails from non-current clients during this time. All current clients can get in touch with me seven days a week, between 9:00am-9:00pm EST.

I have multiple sites I upload my work to, all of which can be found at the footer on this webpage. All uploads will be watermarked. Agreeing to the invoice terms of service includes permission to post to different sites; if you wish to renege this permission simply ask, I have no problem with it. If you only wish for it to be displayed only on certain sites, or formatted for a specific site for your display purposes, this must be discussed with me. I hold the copyright to the original finished piece. You hold the rights to whatever characters are in the piece. Transfer of copyright of the original artwork must be discussed in our terms.


The background is only included if it’s a single-color background shape, no details. 

Colorless linework may include minor shading of darker areas. 

The price overall varies according to difficulty and quantity. I cannot give an exact estimate or even tell you how much it would be without knowing your order, so don’t hesitate to ask me anything. 

Please note that these are very basic numbers. The prices are flexible based on your order.

Bust (From shoulders up) 
Colorless Linework $15 / Flat Color $25/ Cell Shading $35 / Detailed Shading $45
+ With color, a plain-colored background shape will be added for free.

+ Color done in traditional media costs $10 extra.
+ Any more than one character costs $5 extra.

Half body (per character)
Colorless Linework $20 / Flat Color $30 / Cell Shading $40 / Detailed Shading $50
+ With color, a plain-colored background shape will be added for free.
+ Color done in traditional media costs $10 extra.

Full body (per character)
Colorless Linework $25 / Flat Color $35 / Cell Shading $ 45 / Detailed Shading $55
+ With color, a plain-colored background shape will be added for free.
+ Color with traditional media costs $10 extra.
+ Any more than two characters costs $10 extra.


Backgrounds (for the above only)

Colorless Linework $2 extra
Simple Flat Color $5 extra

Complex Flat Color $8 extra

Detailed Background $15 extra

Detailed Painting
Simple Flat Color with Cell Shading $100-$120 / Detailed Painting with Complex Shading $150-$170
+ Color with traditional media costs $50 extra.
+ Any more than one character costs $15 extra.
+ Mixed media costs $20 extra.

Character Designs 

Simple Flat Color $45 / Detailed Color (includes shading and a non-shaded version) $65
+ One character designed to your specifications and criteria, with both a front and a back designed. and colored.

+ A turnaround with extra sides costs $9 extra per side.

Fashion Designs 
Simple Flat Color $55 / Detailed Color $75
+ Four different character wardrobe designs per your specifications
+ With color, a plain-colored background shape will be added for free.
+ Color with traditional media costs $10 extra.

+ Extra outfits can be added for an additional $2 per outfit, or $5 for 5.

+ These outfits will not be designed with real-life creatability in mind unless specifically requested for cosplay purposes. 

 I DO draw: humans, monsters, anthropomorphic creatures, pets and other animals, fan-art (within the rules of the character or franchise owners) original characters, and more. Peruse my gallery for more examples of what I can do.
I DON'T draw: exposed genitals (character designs are the exception, NSFW options are available upon request for extra) explicit pornography, adult-child pairings, and reserve the right to decline any request that might violate laws or negatively affect my public image or reflect on my part-time employer.
Please be polite and courteous, and I will treat you with the same respect. 

Please send me an email if you have a question.
Thank you! 

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